(-из, яна, ягъа/я) 1. 1) v. strike, hit, beat, knock; 2) v. rub, rub in; никел ягъун v. nickel; 3) v. drive into; peg into; ram, thrust; hammer; flog into ; 4) v. bite; sting ; 5) v. mow, cut down hay or a similar crop; scythe, cut or harvest with a scythe; slash, cut with a sharp quick stroke; 6) v. cut, hew; hack; 7) v. fulfil, realize; execute, perform; play, represent; render; comply; answer; verify ; 8) add; 9) v. drive in; fold; huddle; pen; house; yard 2. 1) n. blow; stroke; knock; smack in the face; 2) n. shooting; fusillade; вил ягъун v. dread, fear; tremble, be apprehensive; вили ягъун v. hoodoo, cause bad luck, bring bad luck; overlook, look over; тфенг ягъун v. shoot, fire, discharge; go bang, go off.

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